On Monday, May 22, 2023, the skies of Ambon will be filled with true spirit and pride as we celebrate the National Resurrection Day Ceremony at BBPMDDTT Ambon. This unforgettable event will mark a historic milestone in commemorating our struggle for independence and reviving the spirit of nationalism within us.

Together, we will celebrate this momentous day with solemnity and unwavering enthusiasm. The sound of trumpets will resound, inviting us to unite and honor the heroic deeds of our ancestors who fought for independence. Through this ceremony, we will reflect on our nation's long journey, strengthen our bonds of unity, and voice our determination to advance Indonesia towards a better future.

This moment will be filled with inspiring activities, including heartfelt speeches that will stir our souls. Wise words will resonate, reminding us of the importance of unity and the spirit of cooperation in building our nation. Esteemed leaders will be present to deliver important messages, enlighten our hopes, and ignite the patriotic spirit within us.

But that's not all, art and culture will play a significant part in this celebration. Traditional dance performances and soul-stirring music will add vibrancy and joy to the atmosphere. We will celebrate our cultural richness, honor the heritage of our ancestors, and showcase the beauty and uniqueness of Indonesia.

Embrace the National Resurrection Day Ceremony in 2023 at BBPMDDTT Ambon with a heart full of enthusiasm and renewed hope. Let us together celebrate the nation's struggle and achievements. Be part of this historic moment as we reflect on and strengthen the spirit of nationalism while moving forward towards a better future.

It is time for us to unite as a nation, transcend our differences, and build a stronger country. Let us make today the starting point for realizing Indonesia's greater aspirations. Join us in the National Resurrection Day Ceremony 2023 at BBPMDDTT Ambon and be part of living history!

With the blazing spirit of nationalism, we will build a glorious future for our beloved Indonesia. Together, we are an unstoppable force!